Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This house sits in the lush settings amidst a tranquail area of Bishopsgate.
CSYA seems to have continued their winning formula from the award-winning condominium at 88 Robertson Quay - Robertson Blue.

The condominium Robertson Blue was the winner in the Residential Category at the SIA Architectural Design Awards in 2006.

In the articulation of the Bishopsgate bungalow, fair-faced concrete is used in the same way as the main external finish. I imagine the clients for this house must be very cool people to fancy something as edgy and funky as raw concrete for its look. As far as Singapore architecture goes, the fair faced concrete look for the external surface does not seem to gain popularity, perhaps due to reasons of workmanship and the tropical climate.

Fashioned with pitched roofs to create a stately, almost traditional looking house, the use of concrete adds an interesting twist to the clean paint and plaster so often associated with the house of this nature.

The house was completed in 2008, and certainly looks like yet another winner from CSYA.

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